Good Morning !
I hope everyone is having a good start to your Friday and looking forward to your weekend. Since I don't work, no let me re-phrase that, since I don't work outside the home, one day is like another one for me unless there is something special or different than my normal routine. I've been moving right along this morning, cleaning house, doing laundry and ironing. Yes, ironing ! I hate to iron, but hate un-ironed or un-kept clothes worse, so that means I have to iron some things. I'm trying to get all the clothes ironed we are taking with us on the trip, that we won't wear until then. That way when I get ready to start packing I will already have my clothes ironed. Fred could care less if his clothes are ironed or not, but I have real issues with that. As I've told yall before we have only been married for 5 1/2 yrs and before we were married I think his thinking was a lot like the line from that song by a guy that says.."trying to find my cleanest dirty shirt!"..LOL He was a bachelor and didn't care if his clothes were ironed or not. Before we were married he lived in Iowa and when he was getting ready to make one of his "many" trips to Texas to see me, his sweet little Mama said she knew something was up and he must be serious about our relationship, because she saw him ironing his jeans and shirts to pack with him for his trip. She said something like "What?? You are ironing your clothes?? You must be serious about this girl, you never iron clothes...LOL By this time he knew how I felt about some things and ironed clothes were something I liked and preferred. Well as they say, we DID get married and the rest is history ! Poor thing, he has just adjusted to the way I like things and is so easy going he just deals with it.
Well, I still didn't get my lasagna made last night. We had some errands to run and by the time we got home, it was too late to make it and as you well know, it takes some time to put a lasagna together. So we had chili dogs. We like a good chili dog or hamburger every once in awhile. So we will be having that lasagna tonight. My grandson Peyton is spending the night and he doesn't care for lasagna so I will make him spaghetti and just use my lasagna sauce for it. I think the reason he doesn't like it is because of the Ricotta or Cottage Cheese in it. Oh well, we all have our likes and dislikes. Speaking of Ricotta or Cottage Cheese, I have found that Ricotta is much more expensive than the Cottage cheese so when I make a Lasagna or something that calls for Ricotta, I just substitute it with small curd Cotttage Cheese and it works out just as well. By the time you add your sauce and all the Mozarella Cheese (and you can never have too much Mozarella Cheese) it all tastes the same. Another thing I do to save money is when I want to have Garlic Toast or Bread, I buy hot dog buns and make a garlic spread, and butter my hot dog buns with that and it makes a really good Garlic Bread. Like I've told yall before, I always look for ways to cut costs and that is just another way I do that. Raising four children, I was always looking for ways to either stretch a meal or cut the cost of it. It was tough sometimes making the salary of a cook stretch to make ends meet. Then becoming a widow at the age of 45 and still having three children to take care of, it really did get tight sometimes. But with the help of the good Lord, I always managed to make it work. I have told yall this whole blog thing is something new for me. I have no problem talking (as yall can see..LOL) and typing, but learning how to use this site is another issue! Each day when I change my Recipe of the Day, I have been able to just delete that particular recipe then add another one by copying the recipe out of my recipe folder on my computer then pasting it into the box for Recipe of the Day. Well, for some odd reason now, the dadgum thing won't let me copy and paste into that box ! That is so aggravating to say the least. I have no idea why all of a sudden this has started, but hopefully the kinks will get out of this thing...quick! Retyping each recipe takes time and it would be really nice to be able to do it like I've been doing it. Oh well.....just another thing to deal with.
We will be leaving next week to go to Iowa for Fred's daughters wedding. We will be leaving on Thursday and probably won't be back home until Oct. 31st. The kids will be going to Hawaii for 2 weeks on their honeymoon and the first week they will be going alone, but the 2nd week Angies kids will join them in Hawaii for a week. So, we are staying the week after the wedding to stay with the kids and get them off to school everyday. Then they will fly out on Oct. 31st to Hawaii. Each of the 3 kids have let me know there are certain things they would like for me to cook while we are there.....go figure ! LOL. A few things they've requested is Chicken and Dumplings, Chicken Fried Steak, Chicken Fried Chicken and some of my pies and cakes. I just hope we have time to do everything they want to do. Fred and I are going to our youngest grandaughter, Clarissa's school to have lunch with her one day while we are there. I'm going to make some sort of treat for her class and I thought about making the Ice Cream Cone Cup Cakes. Have any of you every made those? They are so cute and fairly simple to make. You fill the bottom of the ice cream cones with some sort of candy, like M & M's. Then you bake cup cakes and put cup cake inside the cone. Frost the cup cake and add sprinkles or something like that. I think the kids in her class will get a kick out of that....sure hope so. I'm looking forward to cooking all these things the kids requested. As I've told yall before, more than actually cooking food, I love more watching people enjoy what I cook! So, it's always fun to see the kids enjoy it ! When we knew we would be staying with the kids that week, I told them that we would sit down and make a menu for the week, that way we can go to the grocery store to get what we need. I did promise Angie and Ryan I'd see what I could do about making them some treats and putting them in the freezer for them. That way when they returned from their honeymoon they would have some goodies waiting on them! We are looking forward to spending this time with the kids since we don't get to see them very often.
OK...Let me remind Yall about the recipes for the holidays. Start thinking about what recipes you would like to share with us. It is always so much fun exchanging recipes, or at least it is for me. Even things that we always fix, everyone has their own way of fixing it. So it's always fun to see all the different ways to prepare a particular dish. Also, there are so many goodies you can make and put into the freezer. I usually make a lot of different types of goodies and start freezing them ahead of time. Then when the holiday gets here or I start putting my goodie gift boxes together, the goodies are ready to go! You can make a lot of goodie gift boxes if you just add a 1/2 dozen or so of each type of goodie. Then they have not only an assortment of things, but you can put together several boxes of them. Yall start thinking about what recipes you would like to share and start posting them ! In the meantime I am going to try to figure this dadgum blog site out and see what I can do about posting them all in one spot.
Well, I've had my break so guess I'd better get back to the ironing...UGH !! But I do hope yall have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
"Happy Eating" !!
Muahhhhhhhhhhhh ♥
I just copied your Praline Pumpkin Dessert and can't wait to try it. I know you don't like pumpkin, but thanks for posting for those of us that do!!